Industry: Manufacturing
Geography: SE Michigan
Gross Revenues: $809,000 (2021)
Asking Price: $250,000 (W/O Real Estate)
SDE: $60,000
Manufacturer of products sold worldwide to makers of sanders, polishers, and abrasives, as well as to industrial distributors since 1968.
Rarely does a manufacturer of its own branded niche line of products come to market, in this case the company has a small piece of a very large market, leaving tremendous organic growth possibilities.
The company manufactures and markets to large direct users, wholesale distributors, and also private labels for several large power tool manufacturers.
The company has a broad product line of over 200 SKUs that it offers to its over 100 customers. Many of the customers have been purchasing products from the company for over 20 years. The company operates in a niche market where many of its products are specifically designed for its intended purpose which are generally lower volumes not attractive to its larger business competitors.
All tooling and equipment are in good working order and of sufficient capacity to maintain the current level of business. Additional capacity is in-place and available for future growth. Equipment includes injection molding machines, die cutting and foam molding equipment, as well as a large assortment of molds, dies and other support equipment. .
The small staff of 9 handles the day-to-day activity, with many employees being with the company 20 years or longer.
Historical sales have ranged between $650,000 -$1,250,000. 2021 recorded $810,000 in revenue, with the first half of 2022 above last year. Material shortages have been a struggle for the company as it works toward lowering its customer backlog.
Located in southeastern Michigan, the business is in a 11,000-sf facility that is good condition. The building has a large amount of unused space which could be used for the company’s future growth. The owner desires to sell the building with the business, the estimated value of the building is $500,000.
The owner is ready to retire, however, will stay post-closing in order to facilitate a seamless transition to the new owner. For more information on this outstanding business opportunity, please contact Glen Toadvine at